If you are looking for a guide of what to expect during the Texas solar eclipse of 2024 you are in luck. Check out our guide for the best cities and all the information you might need to experience a total solar eclipse.
Texas is the place to be on April 8 2024 to view this rare once-in-a-lifetime total solar eclipse. Texas has so much to offer if you are planning to stay a few extra days in the area either before or after the solar eclipse. From hidden gems to road trips, museums, and more.
We’ve got everything you need to know about the Texas Solar Eclipse of 2024 listed below. From the best cities in Texas to view the total eclipse, to the times the eclipse will pass through each city, to tips on safely viewing the eclipse ( you will need specialized glasses and camera filters). Trust us when we say you will want to make plans to view the Great North American Solar eclipse!

Texas Solar Eclipse 2024: Where To See, Path Of Totality, & More!
What is a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse is one of two types of eclipse, the other being a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the earth and the Sun leaving a shadow on Earth’s surface within a certain region. Every 18 months somewhere on earth a total solar eclipse occurs.
There are two types of solar eclipses, a total and an annular. The 2024 eclipse in Texas is going to be a total eclipse where the moon covers the sun which is much rare than an annular solar eclipse.

What kind of eclipse is the 2024 Texas Solar Eclipse?
Texas will be one of the best places to see a solar eclipse in 2024. What makes this solar eclipse unique is that within the solar eclipse cone, visitors will be delighted with a few-minute period of total darkness. This is caused by the moon completely blocking out all the sun and you can view the sun’s corona or outer atmosphere. This is known as a total solar eclipse!
Whereas, a partial solar eclipse is where the moon partially blocks the sun. Some of the suns is visible and the blocked area is dark, this is the most common type of solar eclipse.

When will the next North American solar eclipse be?
The next North American solar eclipse will take place on April 8, 2024. So make sure to mark your calendar and plan ahead to see the Texas Solar Eclipse! And trust us, if you are near Texas, or will be traveling to view the eclipse you will not want to miss this very rare phenomenon.
It will last a total of 4 minutes and 27 seconds, twice as long as the last full solar eclipse in North America took place on August 21, 2017. This solar eclipse will start in Mexico, and continue through the US and end in Canada.
Texas is right in the center of the total eclipse path, passing through major cities. Whether you are looking to see the solar eclipse in Waco, googling the best spots to view the solar eclipse in Dallas or find times of solar eclipse in Austin! So if you are wondering where to see the solar eclipse in Texas, these cities are your best bet!

What time is the Texas Solar Eclipse in 2024?
As the solar eclipse is a moving celestial show, the times will not be the same for each city. We will list the times for the major cities in Texas, but please double-check your times so that you do not miss the show.
Unlike the last total eclipse in America, this one will pass through Texas. The total solar eclipse will enter Texas at 1:27 pm at Eagle Pass Texas, where it will continue on its trajectory through Texas, leaving Paris Texas at 1:51 pm. Meaning the total solar eclipse will spend just 25 minutes traveling through almost 500 miles of Texas so it is important to look up times for your specific city!
For example, for those looking to view the solar eclipse in Austin, the solar eclipse will begin at 12:17 pm and totality begins at 1:36 with just over 1 minute of totality. While those viewing the solar eclipse in Waco will begin at 12:20 and totality begins at 1:38 with over 4 minutes of totality!
If you are searching where to see the eclipse in the Dallas- Forth Worth area you can view from different areas starting at 1:41 pm with viewing from both airports, the zoo, and the University of Texas Arlington. All with a varied totality of time. The key is staying as far east as possible for the longest viewing time.
The next Texas solar eclipse will take place on October 14, 2023, but will be an annular solar eclipse.

Tips for viewing a Solar Eclipse
We will list a few tips to make the most of viewing the Solar Eclipse. First, make sure to NEVER look directly at the sun, without special solar eclipse glasses. We have sourced options for adults viewing glasses as well as reusable glasses, as well as child viewing glasses so that the whole family can enjoy the show.
This also applies to looking at the eclipse through phones, cameras, and telescopes as the direct sun rays will damage your retina. All viewing devices will need to have a safe solar filter on the sky end for viewing of telescopes and cameras.
The only time it is okay to look at the eclipse without specialized glasses ( make sure they are rated with ISO 12312-2 ) is during the period of totality, when it is completely dark. This is the period when the moon completely covers the Sun, but as soon as the sun reappears you must put your glasses back on.
If you are unsure of where the best place to view the total solar eclipse, you can join one of the local astronomy clubs and universities that will be hosting events for this natural phenomenon. Plus, if you are outside the viewing area, you can safely view the solar eclipse online from the comfort of your own home.

2024 Solar Eclipse Photography Tips
Just as with your natural eyes, you must never look through a camera, phone lens or telescope without using a proper solar filter. We have put together some tips to make your photography tips to take the best photos of the total solar eclipse.
First, you will want to use a sturdy tripod such as this one, where you can set the camera to manual focus and infinity. The same goes for a telescope, you will want to keep it mounted to track the sun at the center of the camera.
Place your camera on a sturdy tripod, and manually focus the camera, setting it to infinity. We suggest using a low ISO of around 100, with very short exposure times to capture the best images. During the period of totality, you will want to remove the filter to capture the best images of the sun’s corona and period of darkness.
If you are using a telescope on an equatorial mount, the electric drive will track the sun keeping it centered in your camera throughout the eclipse.

Texas Towns In The Path Of Totality In 2024
This website provides a comprehensive list of the Texas cities and eclipse timelines. We suggest clicking the link, and finding the city in Texas that fits your travel schedule. All of the best cities in Texas to see a solar eclipse are listed here and will include the viewing area within the totality cone.
If you are outside Texas, and still want to find your city for viewing the Total Eclipse of 2024, check this link for Mexican, US, and Canadian towns. If you are located in Arkansas, checkout our guide on the 2024 solar eclipse.

Map Of Total Eclipse Path Through Texas
Below you can see the path of the Texas solar eclipse. Towns located fully within the shaded gray area will be awarded viewing of the 2024 solar eclipse path of totality in Texas.
So if you are looking for the best towns in Texas to view the total solar eclipse in 2024 aim to plan a trip to one of the following towns: Uvalde, Del Rio, Fredericksburg, Austin, Fort Worth Waco, Tyler, Dallas, Paris, and Linden.
While towns like San Antonio and New Braunfels and Brownwood are on the outside and will view a partial solar eclipse.
What happens if you are out of the path of totality?
Now you might be wondering what happens if you are not in the narrow shaded path of totality on April 8, 2024? It simply means you will view a partial solar eclipse, not a total solar eclipse. You will not get to experience totality where the sky becomes dark with the moon covering the sun.
If you are near San Antonio or Houston for example, it will 100% be worth it to try and travel into the shaded path of totality to view this spectacular occurrence.
Best cities to watch the 2024 Solar Eclipse In Texas
As we showed on the map above the best cities in Texas see the total solar eclipse on April 8 2024 are Paris, Linden, Tyler, Dallas, Waco, Austin, Fredericksburg, Del Rio, and Uvalde.
Please make sure to make all travel arrangements well in advance, as people travel to view this phenomenon as it does not happen often. Make sure to book all flights, and hotels, and make a plan for the best viewing area well in advance. Most of these cities will have local resources available to help you with your planning. You will want to view from an area away from city lights, buildings, and trees for a clear view of the sky.
Our picks would be Fredericksburg, Waco one of the hidden gems of Texas, or Dallas! As the 2024 Texas solar eclipse falls on a Monday, why not pair it with a weekend getaway in Texas before viewing the solar eclipse? Or check out our guide to the best things to do when in Texas.